Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™: Audit and Measure DEI to Transform Your Organization

In a recent post I asked; Why Perform a DEI Organizational Assessment in 2023?

In response to the valid and reliable evidence of bias, discrimination, inequities, and systemic racism in our society, many businesses and organizations have formed task forces to address these challenges.

The clients we work with have taken action to increase the degree to which their organization’s culture, practices and policies reflect diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, to effectively design and implement programs to realize organizational change requires deep and broad understanding of the social dynamics, policies, and culture of your organization across diverse demographic groups. I described the value of a DEI audit in my Blog post 3 Reasons Your Organization Needs a Current State DEI Audit.

For this reason, Inclusive Leaders Group offers the Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™ and related DEI training and consulting services.

The Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™

Both quantitative and qualitative data are collected.  The results of the survey tell a story about Diversity and Inclusion throughout your organization, showing similarities and contrasts among different demographic groups, e.g., race, gender, age, sexual orientation, tenure, level of hierarchy, department, geographic location, etc., so you can fine-tune organizational interventions to realize desirable shifts and changes in culture and practices.  This cultural audit has strong psychometric properties. The administration of the survey is secure and the responses remain anonymous. Some cultural assessment tools measure individuals but not the entire organization. Others measure teams or the organization, but not individuals. The Spectra Assessment measures BOTH.

Spectra Offers the Only Dual D&I Assessment

The only way to see the whole diversity and inclusion (D&I) picture is by gathering the full gamut of diversity and inclusion metrics. But most D&I assessments only give you part of the picture. The Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™ is the only validated D&I assessment that enables you to measure both individuals as well as the entire organization.

Inclusive Leaders Group Expert DEI Assessment Tailoring and Feedback

We collaborate with you to tailor the use of the Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™ to meet the needs, strategic objectives, and mission of your organization and, where feasible, to interface with existing initiatives. Because of the sensitive nature of some areas of inquiry and discovery related to Diversity and Inclusion, we support you in designing a communications strategy to secure robust participation in the survey. Then, we support you in designing communications to share the results of the survey throughout your organization in ways that are constructive and consistent with your goals. Based on what you have learned about your strengths and challenges in this domain, we will help you design programs that enable you and your organization to realize the changes you seek.

Charlotte Hughes and Inclusive Leaders Group helps employers develop and implement their DEI Strategic Plan including offering the Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™ to support its DEI Learning Development and Change Process. The Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™ is an evidence-based measurement of D&I practices and culture, grounded in the behavioral and cognitive sciences, that enables organizations to measure D&I and then use the insights gained to realize your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals:  She also designs and delivers innovative and engaging training and development and speaking engagements.

Interested in learning more about an organizational DEI assessment for YOUR organization?  Let’s have a 30-minute virtual coffee and talk about it.

Are you exploring executing a DEI strategic plan to meet your business goals?  Contact Us.

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