Episode 7 – Higher Education Cultural Change To Include Neurodiversity with Emily Raclaw MS, LPC

In our last episode of The INCLUSIVE ENTERPRISE Podcast, “Neurodiversity: Driving Innovation from Unexpected Places” we interviewed Hiren Shukla, Automation & Innovation / Neuro-Diverse Center of Excellence Leader at EY, Ernst & Young.

Hiren shared information on EY’s successful Neurodiversity talent strategy, including the innovation and organizational development benefits from hiring neurodivergent talent.  Hiren also described EY’s collaboration with other companies executing neurodiversity recruiting initiatives such as Wells Fargo, Proctor & Gamble, and several other firms.

We at Inclusive Enterprise Podcast wanted to know the challenges and the triumphs that college students these employers are recruiting upon their transition from high school to college, then upon graduation, into the workplace.

Our special podcast guest is Emily Raclaw Director of “On Your Marq” at Marquette University, a program that provides support to Marquette University students on the autism spectrum.

In her role she oversees multiple aspects of the program, including recruitment, screening, and monitoring of On Your Marq student participants; training and supervision of staff and volunteers; overseeing budget matters; developing coursework, student supports, and trainings for students and the community.

“It is about changing the culture of an institution of higher education to include neurodiversity in its definition of diversity” says Emily.  She is passionate about equity and access to education. She is neurodivergent herself.

She is a lifelong Milwaukee resident and brings 15 years of disability in education expertise to the program. She has presented at several conferences and trained other college success programs on the topics of disability as diversity, neurodiversity, and programming.

Learn more about common misconceptions about students and the program as well as ways to contribute to this initiative through Time to Rise.


Topics – On Your Marq Program at Marquette University

2:39 – Inspiration to get involved in neurodiversity

5:51 – Benefits of Coaching and Mentoring

10:40 – What is The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for a high school student on the autism spectrum?

14:40 – Common misconceptions of students in the On Your Marq Program

16:28 – Life lessons that some students will need to learn while at the university

17:58 – On Your Marq student achievements

19:08 – Vision for the program and Time to Rise Fundraising – Emily.Raclaw@marquette.edu

22:55 – How do you help students with career transition?

24:29 – Advice for those college and universities considering launching programs like On Your Marq

For more information about Neurodiversity in the workplace, please see our e-guide in the thought leadership section of our site.

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